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Is a $10,000 6-month CD worth it now?

In today’s cooled but still inflationary economy, in which interest rates are at their highest point in decades, there aren’t many borrowing options worth pursuing. When it comes to saving and earning elevated interest rates, however, there are many account types to choose from, ranging from high-yield savings to money market to certificates of deposit (CD) accounts. All three accounts …

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Is your credit card maxed out? 4 options to consider

Credit card delinquencies have been on the rise, with recent data showing that delinquent credit card accounts climbed to nearly 9% in the first quarter of 2024. And, many cardholders are also facing issues with maxed-out credit cards — another sign that borrowers are grappling with financial difficulties in today’s economic climate. That makes sense considering the current challenges, which …

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6 ways to manage credit card debt while unemployed

As more Americans struggle to make ends meet in today’s unusual economic climate, credit card delinquencies are on the rise and maxed-out credit card accounts are a relatively common issue — especially for members of certain generations. And, that uptick in card delinquencies can be attributed, at least in part, to the elevated interest rate environment, which has caused credit …

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