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Real rock stars at the World of Concrete

“Three, two, one. Let’s lay some bricks!” The SpecMix Bricklayer 500, held each year in Las Vegas, is full of wall-to-wall action. IN the main event, masons are given an hour to lay as many bricks as possible. It’s a competition full of trials and tribulations. And, you know what? It’s probably better if I just let them hype it …

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President Bidens personal attorney Bob Bauer says Hur report was "shoddy work product"

Washington — Bob Bauer, personal counsel to President Biden, said Sunday that the recent report by special counsel Robert Hur about the president’s handling of classified documents “went off the rails,” amid sharp criticism of Mr. Biden in the days since the special counsel’s assessment was issued for descriptions of his memory detailed within the report. “It’s a shabby piece …

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