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Alito tells congressional Democrats he wont recuse over flags

Justice Samuel Alito is flatly rejecting calls to recuse himself in two cases before the Supreme Court involving former President Donald Trump because of two flags that flew outside his homes. In letters Wednesday to House and Senate Democrats, Alito said he had nothing to do with the flying of the flags, and that nothing about the incidents merited recusal …

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As investors pour in, for-profit nursing homes leave some seniors in need

Based on her medical condition, Grace Song had been labeled a fall risk by the Southern California nursing home where the 92-year-old spent a month earlier this year. So it was a surprise to her family when they learned she was left alone in the bathroom, fell, and was rushed to the emergency room. “This is where you feel, how …

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The bird flu vaccine is made with eggs. That has scientists worried.

Even a peep of news about a new flu pandemic is enough to set scientists clucking about eggs. They worried about them in 2005, and in 2009, and they’re worrying now. That’s because millions of fertilized hen eggs are still the main ingredient in making vaccines that, hopefully, will protect people against the outbreak of a new flu strain. “It’s …

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