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How the cicada invasion is bringing people together

Kristi Shirley has been captivated by the army of cicadas marching up trees at a park near her home in southern Illinois. “There’s nothing like it. It’s just like, wow, is this what we’re watching in front of our eyes?” Shirley said. By now, you’ve probably seen the headlines: two groups of periodical cicadasare emerging at the same time for …

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Can retirees afford long-term care insurance?

Retirement is an exciting time. But, it also comes with its challenges. One such challenge is the high probability that you’ll need long-term care in your golden years. That care includes services like nursing homes and home health aides, which can be expensive. That’s what makes long-term care insurance such a valuable product. These insurance policies can help cover the …

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Firefighters grapple with risks from foam laced with toxic forever chemicals

Inside Fire Station 22 in Bellbrook, Ohio, Lt. Jay Leach helped remove buckets of firefighting foam known as aqueous film-forming foams (AFFF) — a tool undeniably effective at suppressing and smothering fires, but one also laced with PFAS, or so-called “forever chemicals,” which are now linked to various cancers. “Most firefighters who got into this job know the inherent risks, …

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