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Why NASA is connecting baby stars with margarita ingredients

A team of astronomers using the James Webb Space Telescope discovered key ingredients for making potentially habitable worlds, and perhaps a cocktail, around two baby stars, NASA said Wednesday. The chemical ingredients identified around the protostars, known as IRAS 2A and IRAS 23385, are tied to habitable planets and familiar parts of life on Earth: margaritas, vinegar and ant stings, …

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How to improve your chances of credit card debt forgiveness

As inflationclimbed to its highest point in more than four decadesin mid-2022, the Federal Reserve began increasing its target federal funds rateto try and temper it. Rate hikes then became the norm until the Fed paused rate hikes at a 23-year high in late 2023. The federal funds rate forms the foundation for consumer interest rates, so you may have …

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