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Truck driver charged with negligent homicide in deadly super fog 168-car pileup in Louisiana

A Louisiana truck driver has been arrested on multiple charges, including negligent homicide, for the state’s 168-car “super fog” pileup in October. Eight people were killed in the pileup, including one man who police said died as a direct result of the truck driver who was driving at a “negligent speed.” Police said this week that they arrested Ronald Britt …

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10 shipwrecks dating from 3000 BC to the World War II era found off the coast of Greece

Researchers have discovered 10 shipwrecks, including one estimated to be more than 5,000 years old, off the coast of Greece, along with scattered ancient artifacts from around the globe. Using Homer’s “Iliad” as a guide, an underwater archaeological team made the discoveries during a four-year survey off the coast of Kasos, a small island in the Aegean Sea, the Greek …

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Pierce Brosnan fined for walking off trail in Yellowstone National Park thermal area

Mammoth, Wyo. —Actor Pierce Brosnan, who pleaded guilty Thursday to stepping off a trail in a thermal area during a November visit to Yellowstone National Park, was caught after posting pictures online, court records said. Brosnan, who called into the court hearing in Mammoth, Wyoming, was fined $500 and ordered to make a $1,000 donation by April 1 to Yellowstone …

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