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Your 401(k) match is billed as free money, but high-income workers may be getting an unfair share

The 401(k) is now the most popular type of retirement plan, with many employers providing a company match when workers sock away money in their accounts. But these matches — often shorthanded as “free money” from your company— may exacerbate inequality in retirement, new research finds. About 44% of employer matches are directed toward the top 20% of earners, according …

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"No-buy pledge" catches on with TikTokers. Heres what to know and how to start.

The first rule of the “no-buy” trend? Talk about the no-buy trend. What started several years ago as a blogged-about experiment in budgeting and mindful spending has become a popular trend on social media. For the challenge, participants pledge to stop buying non-essential items, whether unneeded shoes, additional beauty products or other impulse buys for a set amount of time, …

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Is it too late to invest in 1-ounce gold bars? 5 reasons to buy in now

Gold has experienced a rapid price ascension over the last few months, helping to drive renewed interest in the investment asset. For starters, the price of gold hit a new record high of over $2,400 per ounce on May 20, up by about 14% from late March when the price of gold was nearing $2,100 per ounce. And, the price …

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