
Here are Americas most and least expensive neighborhoods per square foot

House hunters frequently consider price per square foot when they’re shopping for real estate because the figure can provide value comparisons with other properties in the same area. But looking at a neighborhood’s average selling price on a square-foot basis can also shed some insight into where America’s priciest and cheapest real estate is located. A new report from home …

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What is a long-term care insurance benefit period?

Medical innovation is an incredible thing. Thanks to recent advancements on the medical stage, people around the world are living longer now than ever before, according to the World Health Organization. That’s great news, but it does pose some challenges. One of the most significant challenges posed by living longer is an increased risk of needing long-term care later in …

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Is the Apple savings account worth opening in 2024?

Last spring, amid high (and rising) interest rates, many people turned to savings accounts to help buffer higher borrowing costs. By opening a certificate of deposit (CD) or high-yield savings account, you were likely to earn many times more interest than you would have by simply leaving your money in a regular savings account, the latter of which still comes …

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Will mortgage rates fall after this weeks Fed meeting?

After keeping rates paused since last summer, all eyes will turn to the Federal Reserve this week as they meet for the first time in 2024. On the agenda will be the future of the benchmark interest rate range, which currently sits between 5.25% and 5.50% —the highest it’s been in decades. The Fed had been consistently raising that rate …

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Will high-yield savings accounts still be worth it if rates fall? Heres what experts say

With inflation cooling, all eyes are on the Fed’s expected rate cuts in 2024. In December 2023, the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumersincreased by 3.4% annually, but that’s down considerably from when the inflation rate measured 9.1% in June 2022, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Meanwhile, the Fed has gone from ratcheting up interest rates from …

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5 surprising facts to know about long-term care insurance

When it comes to planning for your retirement finances, the focus tends to be on saving and investing — and for good reason. Without enough money put away, it can be tough to cover all of the expenses that arise after you’re done working. And, the type of investing and saving you do can vary depending on your financial goals …

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How long-term care insurance can help you age at home

It’s no secret that most people prefer to stay in their own homes as long as possibleas they age. Of course, there’s a place for assisted living communities and nursing homes in society, but if you’re like most, you may be planning to try and avoid them. Then again, aging in place can come with a hefty price tag. The …

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Is 5% interest good for a high-yield savings account?

There’s no question that it’s important to save money. After all, there’s no way to predict when the next significant emergency expense might arise. And, when it does pop up, your savings will become your financial safety net. Moreover, even foreseeable expenses aren’t always affordable. For example, you may need to save for years to make a down payment on …

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Do I need long-term care insurance in my 40s?

When planning your financial future in your 40s, one important part of the process is considering the unexpected, as there are any number of unusual expenses that can arise and cause issues with your budget. That’s precisely why you need an emergency fund that has at least three to six months’ worth of living expenses in it. You never know …

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What are the private student loan borrowing requirements?

There’s no denying the fact that a higher education can open the door to a higher income. According to the United States Social Security Administration, men with a bachelor’s degree earn about $900,000 more over their lifetime than men with a high school diploma, while women with a bachelor’s degree earn an average of $630,000 more than women with a …

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