Face The Nation

Transcript: House Foreign Affairs Committee chairman Rep. Michael McCaul on Face the Nation, March 24, 2024

The following is a transcript of an interview with House Foreign Affairs Committe chairman Rep. Michael McCaul, Republican of Texas, that aired on March 24, 2024. MARGARET BRENNAN: And we’re joined now by the Republican chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee, Texas Congressman Michael McCaul. Good to have you here in person this morning. HOUSE FOREIGN RELATIONS CHAIRMAN REP. MICHAEL …

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Full transcript of Face the Nation, Feb. 18, 2024

On this “Face the Nation” broadcast, moderated by Robert Costa: GOP Sen. Lindsey Graham of South CarolinaGOP Sen. Tim Scott of South CarolinaCBS News legal analyst Rikki KliemanDemocratic Rep. Jim Clyburn of South CarolinaHistorian Douglas Brinkley and reporter and author Amie Parnes Clickhere to browse full transcripts of “Face the Nation.” ROBERT COSTA: I’m Robert Costa in Washington. And this …

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Sen. Lindsey Graham very optimistic about House plan for border security and foreign aid

Washington — Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina said he feels “very optimistic” about a path forward in Congress for passing Ukraine aid and enhanced border security, throwing his conditional support behind a bipartisan funding bill released by House moderates in recent days. “I don’t want to wait — I want to act now on the border,” Graham said …

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Transcript: Sen. Lindsey Graham on Face the Nation, Feb. 18, 2024

The following is a transcript of an interview with Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina that aired on Feb. 18, 2024. ROBERT COSTA: South Carolina Republican Senator Lindsey Graham who opposed the bipartisan Senate legislation joins us now from Clemson, South Carolina. Senator, good morning. At this point do you expect– SENATOR LINDSEY GRAHAM: Morning. ROBERT COSTA: –any new …

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Sen. Tim Scott dismisses impact of Trump legal issues, says voters more focused on their future

Washington — Sen. Tim Scott, a South Carolina Republican who has endorsed former President Donald Trump’s bid for the White House, dismissed questions about Trump’s legal troubles on Sunday, saying “the American people are more focused on their future than Donald Trump’s past.” “They’re not talking about legal challenges, they’re talking about their challenges across a kitchen table,” Scott said …

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Transcript: Sen. Tim Scott on Face the Nation, Feb. 18, 2024

The following is a transcript of an interview with Republican Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina that aired on Feb. 18, 2024. ROBERT COSTA: We turn now to South Carolina’s other Republican senator, Senator Tim Scott. He joins us this morning from his home state. Senator, thanks for being here. Former President Donald Trump has spent a lot of time …

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President Bidens personal attorney Bob Bauer says Hur report was "shoddy work product"

Washington — Bob Bauer, personal counsel to President Biden, said Sunday that the recent report by special counsel Robert Hur about the president’s handling of classified documents “went off the rails,” amid sharp criticism of Mr. Biden in the days since the special counsel’s assessment was issued for descriptions of his memory detailed within the report. “It’s a shabby piece …

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UAW chief Shawn Fain explains why the union endorsed Biden over Trump

Washington — United Auto Workers President Shawn Fain, who announced the group’s endorsement of President Biden for reelection last week, explained why the union endorsed Mr. Biden, noting a “very clear difference” between him and former President Donald Trump. “One of them, President Biden, has always been on the American worker and stood with the American worker and he proved …

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